Manuscripts submitted to Journal Marine Inside (EJMI) are assessed for publication through a rigorous peer review process. This process is conducted as a double-blind review, ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief oversees all communication with the authors and makes the final decision on whether a manuscript is accepted, rejected, or returned to the author for revision.

Initial Evaluation:

  • Upon submission, the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board conduct a preliminary evaluation to determine if the manuscript is suitable for further review.
  • If deemed appropriate, the manuscript is sent to two qualified peer reviewers, chosen by the Editor-in-Chief, for a detailed evaluation.

Review Process:

  • Peer reviewers are expected to examine the manuscript thoroughly and provide their recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief within three weeks.
  • The recommendations may include acceptance, rejection, or suggestions for revision.

Revisions and Final Decision:

  • Manuscripts requiring revisions are returned to the authors with specific feedback. Authors must submit the revised manuscript via the EJMI’s Online Journal System (OJS).
  • The revised manuscript is then reviewed by the Editorial Board to ensure that the revisions align with the peer reviewers' suggestions.
  • The Editorial Board provides their recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief within one week, advising whether the manuscript should be accepted, further revised, or rejected.

Final Steps:

  • Once a manuscript is accepted, the Editor-in-Chief issues an acceptance letter, which includes details of the publication issue and a reprint of the manuscript for the authors.